We exist to reach people and teach them to build their lives on the solid foundation of Christ.

M I S S I O N:
At The Rock, we are dedicated to creating a welcoming space where all individuals can encounter God, experience His transformative power, and find restoration in their lives. Through active participation and heartfelt invitation, we strive to foster a community where everyone feels valued and empowered on their spiritual journey. Our mission is to inspire and facilitate encounters with God, leading to meaningful restoration in our members' lives and our community. 

V I S I O N:
Our vision is to be a beacon of hope and transformation in our community and beyond. We envision a vibrant church where people from all walks of life are drawn to God, find restoration, and experience genuine belonging. Through our commitment to active participation and intentional invitation, we aim to create a culture of inclusivity and empowerment, where individuals are equipped to live out their faith boldly and impact the world around them with love and compassion.

V A L U E S:

All Means All
The gospel message communicates that God has invited us to participate in a relationship with Him. Because of this, we believe it’s our mission to embody the gospel and extend that same invitation to every person. We wildly embrace the diversity of God's creation, understanding that "All Means All." Regardless of who you are or where you come from, you are welcome here. Our community is founded on the belief that every individual is cherished and valued in the eyes of God, with full freedom to participate. We respect and honor each person's unique spiritual journey and seek to provide a supportive environment for exploration and growth. It's our privilege to embrace and care for each other as we participate in the gospel together and the invitation is always open for you to come as you are and experience the love of God in our midst.

Wildly Inclusive
At The Rock, we embrace the spirit of inclusion inspired by Jesus. Just as Jesus extended an open invitation to all, we believe in inviting everyone to participate fully. Regardless of background - be it race, religion, ethnicity, class, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation - everyone is welcome and encouraged to join and contribute their unique gifts and talents to our community. We affirm that no one's ability to lead or serve is limited by any of these factors. Our doors and opportunities are open to all who seek to journey with us.

Firmly Grounded
At The Rock, we uphold the Bible as our guiding authority as we choose to follow Jesus. Scripture forms the foundation of our beliefs, revealing God's love and revealing Jesus Christ as the world's Savior. Our focus is on delivering practical and thought-provoking teachings that anchor us in the abundant life offered by God.

Collectively Growing
The Christian journey is not meant to be solitary but shared within a community. We understand that growth, service, and transformation are integral parts of this journey, and we actively encourage participation from everyone. We follow Jesus together, discern the Holy Spirit's guidance in unison, and acknowledge that while each individual may have their own path, our collective journey really defines our faith community here at The Rock.